There goes a monster truck.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Week 5

Blueprints for the Web: Organization for the Masses

Here are the 2 points that stood out for me.
  1. "...bit time consuming, but it's invaluable insight and will save you twice the time redoing your site later." - Enough can't be said about proper planning and organization on the front end.
  2. "...determine who will be using your organization scheme first and do a card sort only with those folks." - subtle way of saying know your audience.
Another thing I thought was interesting was the different ways suggested to identify and handle oddball categories with feedback and ranking systems and how in many social network driven sites today the whole labeling of the taxonomy is left to the user or community with an individual tagging system. (

Hierarchy And Contrast: The Basis of Good Design

Not sure what to say about this, it was an article that could be titled Graphic Design 001. The points they made about contrast and hierarchy were true and useful. It just felt like they needed a little more, no a lot more, depth of explanation. Like handing someone some knives, showing them a fish and expecting some sushi.


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